人民的名义 英文「人民的名义刷屏你想知道的英文全在这里啦」

来源:TVB影视大全人气:314更新:2023-03-23 15:20:26


Chinese anti-graft TV drama In the Name of People became TV’s champion Tuesday night after its first episode pulled in 2.41 percent of total viewers, according to CSM Media Research.

The ratings for the show may have even reached as high as 3.91 percent according to ratings-tracker CSM-huan, which was more than twice the viewership numbers earned by the live broadcast of the World Cup qualifiers (1.45) featuring the Chinese national team going head-to-head against Iran’s soccer team.

The show also had a good showing on Chinese streaming platforms.

The first two episodes (the second episode became available on Wednesday) had nearly 19.7 million views on Tencent and more than 12 million views on iQiyi as of noon on Thursday.

The show currently holds a 9.0/10 on Chinese media review site Douban.

"There are two aspects about In the Name of People to which we should pay attention. First, the cast includes a number of veteran and skilled actors, which - during a time when pop stars dominate TV and movie screens - is notable. Second, shooting an anti-corruption show featuring serious political themes under the current censorship system is like trying to dance wrapped in chains. Therefore it is much more difficult to create an excellent show than it is for other genres," netizen Zts wrote in a review on Douban.

Produced with the support of the TV and Film Production Center under the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, In the Name of People comes at a time when the Chinese central government has increased its anti-corruption efforts.

The show is based on the novel of the same name by Chinese writer Zhou Meisen, who was also scriptwriter for the series.

In the Name of People is just the first of five anti-graft dramas the Procuratorate's broadcast department has been producing. The center received instructions in 2015 from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, to produce more corruption-themed films and dramas.


贪官 corrupt official



It has become a pattern for corrupt officials to send their family members overseas.


行贿受贿 bribery


向某人行贿,可以用bribe的动词形式, bribe sb to do sth;或名词形式 offer/pay/give bribes to sb。

Bribe是可数名词,a bribe指一笔贿赂,bribes是多笔贿赂。

He bribed the guardsto let him out of prison.


The offer or payment of a bribeis a corrupt practice.


He was jailed on charges of bribery.


受贿可以用 take/accept/receive bribes,或被动形式 be bribed来表示。

Policemen are not allowed to accept bribes.


The judge was too honest to be bribed.


廉洁 clean




Xi Jinping demands military officials stay cleanto set an example for the soldiers.

The fight against corruption is still very difficult and the campaign of building a clean-fingeredParty and government should be firmly pushed forward.


潜逃 abscond




丁义珍的这种行为用英文表达就是 abscond,指为躲避债务、罪责、法律制裁等而潜逃,为逍遥法外而逃亡,逃匿。

Ding Yizhen absconded overseas after his crime was brought to light.


The corrupt official absconded witha huge sum of money.


此外,flee、escape、run away都可以表示逃跑。

红色通缉令 Interpol red notice


红色通缉令,即红色通报,相当于国际逮捕令(international arrest warrant),由经办国国际刑警中心局和国际刑警组织共同签发,是对所通缉的人员实施拘捕并进行引渡(extradition)的通报。

红色通缉令的英文是 Interpol red notice,简称red notice。Interpol即the International Criminal Police Organization,国际刑警组织。


Since China launched a campaign to hunt down fugitives implicated in duty-related crimes in October 2014, 164 suspects, including 27 listed in an Interpol red notice,have been repatriatedor persuaded to return to China from 37 countries and regions.


片中,丁义珍逃往美国,让领导们非常头疼,因为中国和美国没有签 引渡条约(the two countries have no extradition agreement)。

阿谀奉承 sycophancy



The provincial Party secretary, however, was growing weary of his sycophancy.


We should have a zero-tolerance policy on sycophancywithin the Communist Party of China.



flattery 奉承

He is proof against flattery.


?toady (up) to sb 拍马屁

Carl is always toadying up to his boss.


fawn on sb 巴结讨好

Underlings fawn on their bosses.


双规 subject to questioning at an appointed time and place


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