
来源:TVB影视大全人气:798更新:2023-04-11 01:37:47



Legendary TV director Yang Jie died on Saturday at the age of 88. She helmed the most popular fantasy TV series in China, Journey to the West.




"The death of Yang is a huge loss for China's TV industry. Director Yang Jie was not only my teacher to discover me, but also the mentor for my art and life. There would be no Liu Xiao Ling Tong if there were no 'Journey to the West' TV series, and you would never see Monkey King by me on screen. We will miss Yang forever."



这里的译文摘自余国藩老师的版本The Journey to The West.


余国藩(Anthony C. Yu),美国芝加哥大学巴克人文学讲座教授,并为该校唯一由神学院、比较文学系、英文系、东亚系及社会思想委员近四十年,现为该校巴克人文学讲座荣退教授。余国藩也是台湾中央研究院及美国国家人文科学的院士,并荣任中央研究院中国文哲研究所通信研究员。余国藩以英译《西游记》(Journey to the West,四册)饮誉学界,在《重读石头记》及各类论文之外,他另有《重访巴拿撒斯山》(Parnassus Revisited:Modern Critical Essays on the Epic Tradition)及《信仰的语形学》(Morphologies of Faith:Essays in Religion and Culture in Honor of Nathan A. Scott, Jr.)、《余国藩西游记论集》、《重读石头记:里的情欲与虚构》、《从历史与文本的角度看中国的政教问题》等著作及若干论文。



The Divine Root Conceives and the Spring Breaks Forth. As the Heart's Nature Is Cultivated, the Great Way Arises. Before Chaos was divided, Heaven and Earth were one; All was a shapeless blur, and no men had appeared. Once Pan Gu destroyed the Enormous Vagueness. The separation of clear and impure began. Living things have always tended towards humanity; From their creation all beings improve. If you want to know about Creation and Time, Read Difficulties Resolved on the Journey to the West.


In the arithmetic of the universe, 129,600 years make one cycle. Each cycle can be divided into twelve phases: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII, the twelve branches. Each phase lasts 10,800 years.

Now within a single day, the positive begins at the time I; at II the cock crows; at III it is not quite light; at IV the sun rises; V is after breakfast; and at VI one does business. VII is when the sun reaches noon; at VIII it is slipping towards the West; IX is late afternoon; the sun sets at X; XI is dusk; and at XII people settle down for the night. If you compare this with the big numbers, then at the end of Phase XI Heaven and Earth were still one, and no beings had appeared. 5,400 years later came the beginning of Phase XII, when all was darkness and there were still no people or other creatures; for this reason it was called Chaos.


Another 5,400 years later Phase XII was drawing to a close and a new cycle was about to begin. As Phase I of the new era approached, gradually there was light. As Shao Yong said, "When winter reaches the mid-point of Phase I The heart of Heaven does not move.Where the Positive first appears Nothing has yet come to life." At this time, Heaven first had a foundation.


5,400 years later, in the middle of Phase I, the light and pure rose upwards, and sun, moon, stars, and constellations were created. These were called the Four Images. Hence the saying that heaven began in I. Another 5,400 years later, when Phase I was nearing its end and Phase II was imminent, things gradually solidified. As the Book of Changes says, "Great is the Positive; far-reaching is the Negative! All things are endowed and born in accordance with Heaven." This was when the earth began to congeal.


After 5,400 more years came the height of Phase II, when the heavy and impure solidified, and water, fire, mountains, stone, and Earth came into being. These five were called the Five Movers. Therefore it is said that the Earth was created in Phase II.


After a further 5,400 years, at the end of Phase II and the beginning of the Phase III, living beings were created. In the words of the Book of the Calendar, "The essence of the sky came down and the essence of earth went up. Heaven and Earth intermingled, and all creatures were born." Then Heaven was bright and Earth was fresh, and the Positive intermingled with the Negative.


5,400 years later, when Phase III was at its height, men, birds and beasts were created. Thus the Three Powers--Heaven, Earth and Man--now had their set places. Therefore it is said that man was created in Phase III.


I'm Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who made havoc in Heaven five hundred years ago.


Little ones, I'm back.


Rescue me, Wukong.


I am a priest from the Tang country in the East, and I am going to the Western Heaven to ask for holy scriptures.


Evil spirit, where do you think you're going?


Hey! Are you reinforcements sent for by Monkey?


Great Sage, give your magic powers a rest.


You've got no common sense, Protector of the Horses.


You idiot, who said you could sleep here instead of begging for food as our master told you?


A monk, Your Majesty. He has a large face and a round head, and his ears hang down to his shoulders. His flesh looks most tender and his skin extremely delicate. He's a very promising monk.


I am the Handsome Monkey King in the Water Curtain Cave of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. With my somersault cloud I can cover thirty-six thousand miles in a single bound. Moreover, I can do seventy-two kinds of transformations.


Do you have the guts to answer if I call your name?


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