
来源:TVB影视大全人气:396更新:2023-04-15 13:28:21

LeBron and KD were averaging over 30 at the age of 21.


LeBron in 05/06 averaging 31.1 and Durant averaging 30.1 (60TS%). In their 3rd season were already big time bucket-getters. It's crazy to think about. Jason Tatum is 21, Donovan Mitchell 22, D.Booker 22. Still haven't sniffed 30ppg. Booker seems the most likely to do this but this is a discussion for another day. But damn KD and Bron...



[–]Pistons willi3blaz3 2081 points 13 hours ago

They’re both freaks of nature. Both unique and one off editions


[–]Supersonics kenjirouen 768 points 12 hours ago

At this point we might as well assume we’ll never see players with their exact gifts or better for a long long time.

These dudes were averaging 25 on elite efficiency in their sophomore seasons


詹姆斯和杜兰特在进入联盟的第二年就已经可以场均25 了,而且效率极高。

[–]Pistons sampson40 67 points 12 hours ago

And they were efficient in an era when people paid way less attention to efficiency. In the 2004-2005 season, 5 of the top 10 scorers shot 43% from the field or worse.


[–]76ers habdragon08 45 points 12 hours ago

And Steph was still in college at 21. Didn't hit 20 PPG until he was 24. People develop at different rates.


[–]Alexandrinho0000 23 points 10 hours ago

Didnt Doncic had stats like lebron and KD in his Rookie year? Maybe he doenst do 30 pppg in his 3rd year, but if he does 21 in his first its not to far fetched that he can come close.

东契奇处子赛季的数据不是与詹姆斯、杜兰特很接近吗?或许他到了第三个赛季也没法场均30 ,可既然他在处子赛季就能均分21,那他以后接近老詹和阿杜也是有希望的。

[–]Nets notmortalvinbat 40 points 8 hours ago

in year 2 LeBron immediately turned into the 27-7-7 monster that would destroy the league for years to come, a monumental leap that might not be fair to expect from Luka but certainly possible.

篮网球迷:詹姆斯进入联盟的第二个赛季就立马把数据提升到了的27 7 7,这是可以接连几年制霸联盟的怪兽数据啊,你指望东契奇实现这种质的飞跃或许是不合理的,不过肯定是有可能的。

[–]Mamba SaidKnockYouOut 86 points 11 hours ago

KD averaged 28/8/4 on 50/40/90 when he was 24. Not quite as impressive given that he was entering his prime by then, but still crazy that he was that efficient on such a high volume of shots by his 6th season.

And the wild part is I said KD was "entering his prime" at 24, but he had already lead the league in scoring 3 times by that point. Aside from his rookie year, KD has never had a season in which he didn't average at least 25 a game (that stat also applies to Lebron, who now has 15 straight seasons of averaging 25 ). His consistency and longevity are legendary at this point

杜兰特24岁的时候场均就28 8 4,三项命中率分别为50%、40%、90%。考虑到他当时正步入个人巅峰期,这数据虽说没那么耀眼吧,可是他在第六个NBA赛季出手次数那么多的基础上,居然还能那么高效,这就很厉害了。

诡异的是,我说杜兰特24岁“步入巅峰”,可是他当时已经三次问鼎得分王了。除了处子赛季,阿杜的场均得分就没跌破过25(这也适用于詹姆斯,他已经连续15个赛季均分25 了).阿杜的稳定性和持续性称得上传奇。

[–]Mamba SaidKnockYouOut 22 points 11 hours ago

Its a shame he missed so much of that 14-15 season with his injury. I honestly think if he had stayed injury free or gone anywhere but Golden State he would be in the top 20 on the All-Time Scoring list. He really had a shot at passing Kareem. I think he still does now, but it will be tough.


[–]Bucks RenDabs 19 points 10 hours ago

I still think that, barring injury, he'll get to at least 30k points which isn't too shabby. Depends on how much he wants to push himself later in his career, I could also see him being the kind of guy to retire with some left in the tank.

雄鹿球迷:我还是这么想的,以后没伤的话,他的总得分至少能冲进30000 ,这不是很不合理吧。这就看他在职业生涯末期的欲望有多强了,而且我觉得他是那种会在还能打的时候退役的人。

[–]Supersonics kenjirouen 372 points 11 hours ago

It feels like they’ve been doing this nonsense since forever, is this what people felt like watching the Jordan, Barkley, Magic, Bird, Hakeem era ?

10 years of greatness damn.


[–]Thunder IWillKarateKickYou 50 points 10 hours ago

Jordan/Kobe/Shaq...yes. It felt even more amazing sometimes but it could have just been my age. Maybe a few more players that I didnt get a chance to watch much. I would add Iverson to the list of almost a Harden type player but more fun to watch lol


[–]Dazegobye 52 points 10 hours ago

Iverson was much watch tv. Everyone knew he would get 30 but it was amazing watching it happen still somehow with him being so small and no help around him


[–]Magic VictorOladeepthroat 18 points 10 hours ago

Well him getting 30 was cause he had no help lol. When players get help they usually drop in scoring


[–]robertgentel 178 points 11 hours ago

Hakeem was only viewed as the best player in the league for a few years. It definitely was not a long span (in public mindshare).


[–][LAL] Magic Johnson ArgentEtoile 59 points 9 hours ago

I mean, Hakeem was 2nd team All-NBA his 2nd year in the league, and 1st team his 3rd, 4th, and 5th years. I’d say that’s a pretty prominent start to his career


[–]robertgentel 19 points 9 hours ago

Sure, I have him rated as pretty much the best center of all time personally now, but I didn't then. I'm not sure if you were watching the NBA at the time but he was definitely underrated among the public before his championship seasons in my opinion.


[–]Heat SexyTimeDoe 120 points 11 hours ago

I've always said that Lebron's the far better pure athlete, but KDs physique might be even more unfair for a basketball player


[–]Timberwolves VitaBrevis- 68 points 11 hours ago

KD's ability to handle and score like a 6 foot guard is what sets him apart from everybody, almost ever. the fact that he can have such a quick and smooth shot at his height, with his wingspan, is ridiculous


[–]Lakers Desarticulation 96 points 11 hours ago

The thing with KD is that you could shrink him by 9 inches and he'd be an all star PG.


[–]Spurs richard_nixons_toe 34 points 11 hours ago

Same for LeBron


[–]Warriors falloutranger 46 points 11 hours ago

Lebron's game relies heavily on physicality, and that won't fly if he's 5'11"


[–]EastSide221 128 points 11 hours ago

And KD heavily relies on being able to shoot over everyone. LeBron at least has all-time level vision.


[–][BKN] Markel Brown laboratory_koala 24 points 10 hours ago

I mean we already have short LeBron in the league, Bledsoe, who is still a solid starter. And I'd argue his pure skill level is actually lower than LeBron as well, at least as a passer.


[–]young_whipsnap 29 points 10 hours ago

Shrinking KD is almost Damian Lillard.


[–][CLE] LeBron James badsshubham 233 points 12 hours ago

Bron and KD are generational talents. KD was like 23 in 2012 finals,Lebron was 22 in 2007 finals. KD was already 3 time scoring champion by the age of 23 .



[–]Miyagisans 442 points 12 hours ago

Lebron at 18, in a span of a few months, went from playing high school level players to grown men in the NBA and didn't skip a beat.


[–][TOR] Jorge Garbajosa Akumetsu33 275 points 11 hours ago

Don't forget all the tremendous pressure from being highly hyped and all the constant negative media attention on him, he still didn't even skip a beat. IMO, Lebron's mental toughness is vastly underestimated, not many players can go through starting at a very young age, what he went through and not crack or wither away from all the herculean expectations.

Lebron is really an once-in-a-generation monster, both physically and mentally.



[–]Trail Blazers kesht17 149 points 11 hours ago

Exactly. He has been touted as a possible all time great since he was 17, and he has truly delivered while being a great guy off the court. Whatever issues he’s had, they’ve been minor things. Really a testament to his work ethic and character



[–]Newphoneneednsfw 53 points 9 hours ago

Honestly people underestimate how rare that is, all the hype surrounding him as one of the best possible of all time and he delivered think how many busts there are in the draft, how many times injuries set back careers and how many people cannot handle the pressure.

LeBron from the start was told he was chasing the best and the very fact that he's in the conversation for the best even if it's just as a comparison for who comes close to Jordan is insane.


[–]cdbrowns 244 points 14 hours ago

People forget how good Bron was when he was early 20s, he was also a chase down master and a monster defender. Unreal two way player with a ridiculous fast break ability.


[–]Raptors username_404_ 96 points 13 hours ago

Legit was the strongest AND fastest wing player in the NBA at the time. Shit was wild


[–][BKN] Jarrett Allen Batman_in_hiding 449 points 13 hours ago

We take this for granted but Lebron and KD are two of the best scorers of all time. It may be years if not decades before we see another player on their level.


[–][ATL] Joe Johnson sire59damos 69 points 14 hours ago

I’m glad that I’ve been able to follow most of their careers


[–]Raptors jyeatbvg 20 points 10 hours ago

I hate when people use the term "generational talent" so loosely. But goddamn are we blessed to have witnessed two over the last 15 years.


[–]Rockets MakGalis 81 points 13 hours ago

And then we have another all time great scorer in Harden aswell. Crazy how stacked the league is at the moment


[–]Lakers lakers2021champs 150 points 13 hours ago

And that’s without even mentioning the greatest shooter of all time


[–]Warriors DeadZombie9 67 points 12 hours ago

Fred VanVleet?



[–][CHO] Kemba Walker BizGilwalker 596 points 13 hours ago

KD may very well be the best all-around volume scorer the league has ever seen. LeBron is a machine who is a top 2 player ever. They were both averaging 25 as second year players.

I think it's disingenuous to compare Booker, Mitchell, and especially Tatum to them. If you think they're ever going to approach 30 ppg (which I don't) compare to Melo, Wade, Harden, or Westbrook. Even those are very lofty targets.

I don't understand why Tatum is in here though. He averages 15 ppg and doesn't give me superstar vibes at all.

黄蜂球迷:杜兰特很可能是史上最全面的得分手。詹姆斯是个机器,历史前二。他们都在进入联盟的第二个赛季就均分25 。



[–]Suns benderGOAT 26 points 10 hours ago

Melo at 21- 26.5 D Book at 21- 24.9 Mitchell at 21- 20.5 Westbook at 21- 16.1 Harden at 21- 12.2 Wade at 21- in college.


[–]Lakers caughtinthought 177 points 13 hours ago

It's weird how people seem to unanimously think KD is the best all-around scorer when his career PPG/EFG is identical to Bron


[–]humpty_dumptyyy[S] 109 points 13 hours ago

The thing is KD will give you a bucket anyway he likes.


[–]Pistons YelIowmamba 42 points 12 hours ago

Yeah but the stats still say that Lebron and KD are similar scorers. If KD could score a bucket anyway he likes, he should average more points than LeBron, but he doesn't... so KD and Lebron will give you bucket in similar manners.


[–]Supersonics memeticengineering 88 points 12 hours ago

Don't we usually use TS% (where LeBron's only had 4/14 seasons better than KD's career average .613%) when talking shooting efficiency because it includes free throws too?

KD hasn't had a TS% south of .630% since he turned 24, and has 4 scoring titles to LeBron's 1. He's a more efficient scorer.


[–]misterwhoami 381 points 13 hours ago

I think that has to do with how Durant doesn't have any glaring weaknesses. whereas Lebron isn't as great from the FT line and shooting 3s.


[–]lillithfair98 30 points 11 hours ago

Yea, but LeBron gets more shots attempts within 0-3 feet and finishes at a higher efficiency than KD. They have different strengths, but I think the point is a good one that LeBron scores just as well as KD — he just isn’t considered as great a scorer because, frankly, he doesn’t look at smooth while doing it.


[–]Lakers caughtinthought 19 points 11 hours ago

I agree, I think the aesthetics are a big component of why people think this


[–]Celtics CarmeloCurryTowns 39 points 12 hours ago

KD is and has always been a better jumpshooter. It's also a massive portion of his game while the biggest portion of Lebron's game is at the rim.


[–]supremeddit 89 points 13 hours ago

The most ironic part is LBJ never wanted to be a scorer or considered to be a scorer


[–][LAL] Lonzo Ball Devoidoxatom 21 points 12 hours ago

For real, he's never known as a scorer


[–]Miceland 134 points 13 hours ago

the thing about the "next lebron" guys is that they're always already far behind lebron at the same age

Simmons has never been on a LeBron trajectory

Giannis could become a top 10 player ever himself, but it will be by adding defensive anchor defense to his poor man's lebron game

he's not going to develop LeBron's offense, because offensively, Lebron was already ahead of where Giannis is now by year 2, at 20. Then LeBron developed his shooting and passing well beyond that





[–]Mavericks JoshiePatootie 56 points 13 hours ago

luka pls


[–]Warriors DeadZombie9 46 points 12 hours ago

30 is really hard seeing as even KD and Bron barely hit 30 ppg. Luka is going to be great though, regardless of whether he scores 30ppg by 21 or not.



[–]Timberwolves PFhelpmePlan 9 points 12 hours ago

What's interesting too is that Lebron again averaged 30 ppg during his age 23 season, but has not hit 30 ppg since. KD hit 30 again in his age 25 season but not since.

森林狼球迷:有意思的是,詹姆斯23岁的那个赛季又一次均分30,可是自那之后就没有了。杜兰特25岁时候又一次均分30 ,自那之后也没有了。

[–]76ers iohannespaulus 20 points 11 hours ago

I think because they realize scoring all the points ain’t it, you need to be just as good defensively and rebound and assist. So basically you need to be the entire team.


[–]76ers AlwaysGetsBan 784 points 13 hours ago

Ha losers.

When I was 21 I was smoking weed and getting drunk almost daily and waking up at 2pm.



[–]vine_was_overrated 33 points 10 hours ago

Currently 21, currently living the dream like you described. Any advice?


[–]Cavaliers sock-nose 71 points 9 hours ago

Have your fun and all that, but recognize that you can't totally slack off and that it's really easy to wake up at 26 and realize you have no direction in your life because you spent years getting high and sleeping in. Enjoy living this life while you can, don't enjoy it too much.


[–]succ_my_dicc 30 points 9 hours ago

That’s exactly what happened to me. Got fucked up and partied with hoes every day and at 25 I started to become very concerned about my future and the lack of direction in my life. Now at 28 I’m about to graduate with a bachelors degree. If I could go back in time I would’ve gotten serious about my life earlier but at the same time I still feel like my whole life is ahead of me.






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