
来源:TVB影视大全人气:83更新:2023-04-23 17:23:23

作者露易丝·劳瑞(Lois Lowry)于1937年生于夏威夷的檀香山市。1976年开始从事青少年文学创作,劳瑞一直恪守一个作家的职责,十分关注青少年的成长以及他们在成长过程中所遇到的问题。她以其独到的眼光分析探讨一直以来困扰少年儿童的诸多问题,深受广大青少年读者的喜爱。

《Number the stars》主要探讨了什么是勇敢?这个问题让年仅10岁的安美瑞在心中想了又想,总是想不明白。但自从纳粹占领丹麦之后,安美瑞小时候熟悉的很多事物就从生活中消失了。每个街道转角总是有站岗的德国士兵……直到纳粹在丹麦展开追捕犹太人的行动时,当安美瑞必须挺身出来保护她的犹太朋友艾伦时,她才第一次通过自己的行动,深深体会了保持勇气的艰难。接着安美瑞一次又一次地把艾伦从纳粹手中救出……《数星星》是美国中学生必读的佳作,不论从文学、历史还是励志等角度,这都是一本值得任何年龄层的读者细细品味的作品。

When it’s very dark, Peter leads a few of the Jews to Henrik’s boat. Annemarie’s mother departs soon after with the rest. Annemarie waits anxiously for her mother’s return. As dawn breaks, Annemarie sees her mother struggling back. She broke her ankle in the dark. As Annemarie helps her mother into the house, she spies the package that Peter had given Mr. Rosen lying on the ground. Annemarie’s mother hides the package in a basket under some bread and cheese. Annemarie takes it and runs to Henrik’s boat, but Nazis and their dogs stop her and search the basket. They find the package, rip it open but find only a handkerchief. After they leave, Annemarie rushes to the boat and gives it to Uncle Henrik.


Later Uncle Henrik told her that she saved the Jews on his boat. Soldiers and their dogs boarded his boat to look for Jews. Henrik let the dogs sniff the handkerchief, which had a chemical on it. It numbed their sense of smell, so they didn’t find the Jews.


Annemarie hopes to see Ellen again one day.



depart v. 动身,出发

What time does your train depart?

anxiously adv. 焦急地,担忧地

Maria waited anxiously to see what grade she got on her test.

rip v. 撕破

The little girl excitedly ripped open her birthday gift.

numb v. 使麻木

The cold numbed their fingers and toes.



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